Today, I decided the best course of action is to let a couple "Einsteins" tackle the subject. These two outstanding writers Martin Andelman & Abigail Field have uncovered the "dirty little secret" about this whole foreclosure mess and ....IT WAS NOT CAUSED BY............IRRESPONSIBLE BORROWERS !!!
The IRRESPONSIBLE BORROWER is a "stereotype" being reinforced by those who benefit by blaming the borrowers. In other words - IRRESPONSIBLE BORROWERS did NOT cause the foreclosure problem! As Martin explains....describing Homeowners in foreclosure (i.e. delinquent borrowers) as "IRRESPONSIBLE BORROWERS" is just "labelling." This is NOT accidental, but instead.... a coordinated and highly sophisticated communications initiative being implemented by motivated experts.

Over the past year, and especially in the last couple days I've spoken to Martin. (Yes !! he was working on a solution and talking by phone - even on a SUNDAY!). And to be honest....I've never heard him so upset. But, his emotions were contained and overridden with his equally passionate efforts - to get the truth out !! We discussed the possibility of attempting to get all the major bloggers - as a group - to get the message out - together - jointly. Well... read the part of his post (below) that address that component:
.....Bloggers: We don’t compete with each other, Abigail and I write articles, we don’t sell advertising, so cross post this article and ask your readers to send it to everyone they know. And get in touch, because we’re building a list of “thought leaders” and we need your name and contact information on that list.
That way, when we produce an article or research report intended to address the “irresponsible borrower” stereotype, we can email it to you so you know to post it. We need to get this one message out as far and wide as possible......and to the Attorneys: ....You have Websites and blogs, but more importantly you have clients you talk to everyday that are a part of this fight. I know how busy you are, but I need you to spend the extra 10 minutes it takes to not only post this and other articles to come, but to tell your clients about what we’re doing over here… tell them to read it on Mandelman Matters or on your site, or anywhere else.
To that end - Do not just read this....and then say....WOW...what a great piece of work. Instead Tweet, Link, Facebook, and/or Forward this (by email )to at least 10 people who ARE NOT IN FORECLOSURE. I repeat - forward THIS communication to 10 know.... THAT ARE NOT IN FORECLOSURE. Don't worry, we already have the homeowners' reading, tweeting, and linking - that are suffering ....IN FRAUDclosure.
We need to educate the public.... on the truth .....and we need to do it now!
I have tried, in the past, to use a simple dictionary DEFINITION:

However - TODAY - I ask that you sit back and carefully read - probably the best researched and most complete picture...that we got here.... and.... what message we need.... to order to go forward so that history ......DOESN'T repeat itself !!
The TRUTH and great post from MY FRIEND - Martin Andelman - is linked below & titled:
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