OUTRAGE to ACTION - Homeowners say "Enough"
More and More people take to the streets - tired of big banks "legal shakedown"
Looting Main Street
Rolling Stone & Victor Juhasz
Everyday OHIO FRAUDclosure blogspot receives emails ....from ordinary American Homeowners. The emails....surprisingly come.... from all 50 states and always contain a simple request - please help!
The story's are frightening, compelling and heartbreaking. Each morning, after reading through just a few of these emailed stories ...a feeling of sadness and heartfelt compassion (for homeowner) is followed up by an overwhelming feeling.... of outrage!
I know....through this blog...I can only do so much. We've had some successes - by matching up some really good foreclosure Attorneys ....with homeowners ....that have been criminally abused by the Banks, Mortgage Servicers and the Court System.
For OHIO Homeowners - we've made a major impact through our groundbreaking action....of being the only known social media source to have submitted an Amici Brief to a State's Highest Court. (HERE: in US Bank v Duvall). We helped draw, via the Internet and this blog, much needed attention and legal arguments to an otherwise unremarkable and unnoticed case. At the time of our first post (HERE) there was NO COVERAGE through existing mainstream media sources (Newspaper, Radio, or TV). We can only hope that we've helped shape future outcomes and case law, and level the legal landscape in a positive manner. We believe our efforts benefit ALL OHIO homeowners, which continue to suffer the indignity of FRAUDulent foreclosure and other criminal acts and behaviours perpetrated by "Wall Street"
Beginning today, choose to support ANY EFFORT that is willing to stand up against the Big Banks and their FRAUDclosure Machines. Regardless of your city or State...YOU MUST help!
I challenge anyone ...to watch the below videos ....and continue to do NOTHING.
Lets take back MAIN STREET......by taking down .......WALL STREET
Zuccotti Park, has unexpectedly become a headquarters for thousands of people from around the US to peacefully demonstrate within view of the financial district & Wall Street
People are gathered here....to protest..... financial inequity!
Watch this Keith Olbermann Countdown segment with filmmaker Michael Moore
Sept 24th - 80 Arrested as Financial District Protest Moves North
Sept 27th - Park Gives Wall St. Protesters a Place to Call Home
Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone - 'Occupy Wall Street': Drawing the Battle Lines
Just Watch the below - Last Word Segment from MSNBC's Lawerence O'Donnell
You won’t see this Video, Coverage or Commentary in the mainstream news
10-1-11 OCCUPY WALL STREET Boston, MA.
BOSTON - 10-1-2011 Police have arrested two dozen protesters of the over 3,000 activists for trespassing during a demonstration against Bank of America's foreclosure practices at the banking giant's offices in downtown Boston
Tone deaf and overpaid Bank of America spokesman T.J. Crawford:
"This is a publicity stunt"
Really T.J...a publicity stunt..can't wait to hear from you on the new $5 a month debit card fee!
Our two fellow activist bloggers from Florida...Chose to MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Lisa (of Foreclosure Hamlet) and Michael (of 4closurefraud) are featured here:
Looting Main Street

Everyday OHIO FRAUDclosure blogspot receives emails ....from ordinary American Homeowners. The emails....surprisingly come.... from all 50 states and always contain a simple request - please help!
The story's are frightening, compelling and heartbreaking. Each morning, after reading through just a few of these emailed stories ...a feeling of sadness and heartfelt compassion (for homeowner) is followed up by an overwhelming feeling.... of outrage!
I know....through this blog...I can only do so much. We've had some successes - by matching up some really good foreclosure Attorneys ....with homeowners ....that have been criminally abused by the Banks, Mortgage Servicers and the Court System.
For OHIO Homeowners - we've made a major impact through our groundbreaking action....of being the only known social media source to have submitted an Amici Brief to a State's Highest Court. (HERE: in US Bank v Duvall). We helped draw, via the Internet and this blog, much needed attention and legal arguments to an otherwise unremarkable and unnoticed case. At the time of our first post (HERE) there was NO COVERAGE through existing mainstream media sources (Newspaper, Radio, or TV). We can only hope that we've helped shape future outcomes and case law, and level the legal landscape in a positive manner. We believe our efforts benefit ALL OHIO homeowners, which continue to suffer the indignity of FRAUDulent foreclosure and other criminal acts and behaviours perpetrated by "Wall Street"
Beginning today, choose to support ANY EFFORT that is willing to stand up against the Big Banks and their FRAUDclosure Machines. Regardless of your city or State...YOU MUST help!
I challenge anyone ...to watch the below videos ....and continue to do NOTHING.
Lets take back MAIN STREET......by taking down .......WALL STREET
Zuccotti Park, has unexpectedly become a headquarters for thousands of people from around the US to peacefully demonstrate within view of the financial district & Wall Street
People are gathered here....to protest..... financial inequity!
Watch this Keith Olbermann Countdown segment with filmmaker Michael Moore
Sept 24th - 80 Arrested as Financial District Protest Moves North
Sept 27th - Park Gives Wall St. Protesters a Place to Call Home
Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone - 'Occupy Wall Street': Drawing the Battle Lines
Just Watch the below - Last Word Segment from MSNBC's Lawerence O'Donnell
You won’t see this Video, Coverage or Commentary in the mainstream news
10-1-11 OCCUPY WALL STREET Boston, MA.
BOSTON - 10-1-2011 Police have arrested two dozen protesters of the over 3,000 activists for trespassing during a demonstration against Bank of America's foreclosure practices at the banking giant's offices in downtown Boston
"This is a publicity stunt"
Really T.J...a publicity stunt..can't wait to hear from you on the new $5 a month debit card fee!
Our two fellow activist bloggers from Florida...Chose to MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Lisa (of Foreclosure Hamlet) and Michael (of 4closurefraud) are featured here:
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