Saturday, April 23, 2011

OHIO FRAUDclosure - A Thank You to FLORIDA Attorneys

THANK YOU - attorneys, bloggers, web-site visitors, and victims (of FRAUD). In just 72 hours and after only 3 posts we have had hundreds of e.mails, documents, and pertinent information provided to us, from FRAUDclosure victim homeowners, readers, and a few good attorneys (mostly from other states). Attorneys looking for referrals, loan mod firms and bogus "work-out" specialist - don't bother contacting me.

Blog Readers & Homeowners - I will be vigilant and dedicate my efforts to quickly get information into the hands of your good attorneys. I will have links to many important documents, court cases, and ground breaking information. I plan to provide links, on this site, that direct you to other important and relevant web-sites (after permission is granted)

But first, I must give a "Shout-Out" and public "Thank You" to attorneys that have given me courage and inspiration to take this first step (Blog). Most are aware that I've been waging a 3-year battle to keep a large Ohio Foreclosure Mill law firm from fraudulently taking my home. My journey has been long, expensive, and painful. However, I believe through this blog and by posting information from my ground-breaking foreclosure case, all can benefit from my experiences. I plan on making everything available - and as a result - existing OHIO foreclosure law will change. This will make the legal journey for others - an easier experience.
A THANK YOU - to the individuals below - is simply not enough. They are the brave ones that accepted and took up the fight, long ago. They paved the way for those of us that followed.'s message is simple: THANK YOU!!! I know I'll probably inadvertently forget a few names....but will update the list again....sometime soon.
Ironically, this blogger is from OHIO but Florida's judicial system for adjudicating foreclosures is very similar. As a result, these Florida attorneys provided valuable information or legal guidance when I was unable to find it (in Ohio). They responded to my questions or emails or posted information, from their cases, which proved to be invaluable in advancing my case and legal standing.
The below attorneys have been waging legal battles in FL. courtrooms, and uncovering crimes by revealing the massive FRAUD being perpetrated in foreclosures.They have been dealing with these issues much better and longer than we have (in OHIO). They continue to change law, awaken lawmakers, save homes and improve the lives of thousands of people. Floridians, these are your state's heros!

Florida Attorneys That are Ground-Breaking Legal Representatives - For the People!
(Link by clicking on name)
Matt Weidner (Weidner Law)
Tom Ice (Ice Legal)
Mark Stopa (Stopa Law -Stay in my Home)
Carol Asbury (Save our Home)
Lynn Szymoniak (Fraud Digest) and of recent "60 minutes" fame
April Charney (Jax Legal Aid)
This weekend, I will also recognize writers, reporters, authors and bloggers that have helped expose the FRAUD in Foreclosure. And finally we will focus on Lisa Epstein, the Rosa Parks of Foreclosure. She refused to "give up her house," or be pushed aside or out of the courtroom. She is truly a hero and you will be inspired (as I was) by her story. I will dedicate a couple posts to her, as she has forever changed the landscape for those in Foreclosure (by FRAUDclosure)

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