Rosa Luxemborg (Russian activist) 1871 - 1919

“Ohio is fortunate to have a nationally recognized blogger who participated in shaping the narrative and anti-foreclosure language being shared during this National Day of Action. Throughout the foreclosure crisis there has been an absence of national attention to the plight of the Ohio Homeowner. However, through the OhioFraudclosure blog - information, education and support is available for homeowners’ seeking to defend their homes”…. Says an OHIO based attorney
12-6-11 OCCUPY WALL STREET in New York
It's a lovely day for a foreclosure tour, and Occupy Wall Street has taken to East New York to highlight the affects of the continuing housing crisis that continues to cripple the entire country. Our own James Thilman is on the scene, and notes that the crowd has swelled to nearly 400, with neighbors joining the march as it makes its way from one foreclosed home to the next. "We are here in East New York where the rate of foreclosure is 3 times higher than the entirety of Brooklyn and 5 times higher than the state," Minister Patricia Malcolm told the crowd. "Today we are real estate agents…We are going to look for those homes that are unoccupied and we are going to rent them out today." The march has reached its destination, 702 Vermont Street, where a family will reside in a home that has been unoccupied for three years. Alfredo Carrasquillo, Tasha Glasgow, and her two children will be under the watch of Occupy Wall Street's "eviction defense team." "I want to thank the NYPD for all their support. I hope they don't wake me up in my bed at 2 a.m." Carrasquillo half-jokingly told the crowd. Thilman notes that he choked up a bit when speaking to the group.
Glasgow and her children, an eight year-old girl with autism and a five year-old boy, previously received a housing voucher through the NYC "Advantage" program in the spring, but it was withdrawn after Mayor Bloomberg enacted budget cuts. Once a few housewarming gifts were passed to the family, Carrasquillo and other volunteers began working to fix up the property.
Hastags #OccupyHomes and #D6.
The national website twitter account is: @OccupyOurHomes
The national website twitter account is: @OccupyOurHomes
Tuesday, December 6, has been declared a National Day of Action to Occupy Our Homes. Its goal is to focus attention on the corrupt banking practices that led to the mortgage boom and today's ongoing economic misery for most of the 99 percent.
Demonizing the VictimResisting illegal foreclosures is a good first step. It brings attention to Wall Street's criminality, and plain old inhumanity toward the people they call their"customers" - but treat like serfs.
It does something else important: It counteracts the brainwashing, driven by Wall Street and dutifully echoed by the media, which has demonized the victims of bank misbehavior.
(We were trying to fight that brainwashing back in 2008, without much luck.)
The Occupy movement has already won several battles in that war. If the public's attention can now be focused on people like Ana Wison, that can be a powerful blow against the Wall Street/corporate media "they deserve it" hype.
Bank of America "Blinks" when facing Occupy Our Homes ...with "Internal Memo".....And if you have not heard about today's protest on the conventional media that is understandable: as BAC says internally, this event "could impact our industry." Here are the specific warnings to BAC "field services" agents: i) Your safety is our primary concern, so do not engage with the protesters; ii) While in neighborhoods, please take notice of vacant BAC Field Services managed homes and ensure they are secured; iii) Remind all parties of the bank’s media policy and report any media incidents......more (HERE)
It's also a day for helping people in our communities who have been victimized by predatory lending, criminal bank forgery, unfair or illegal foreclosure practices, and other bank abuses that victimize the public. Here in Los Angeles, where an inspiring victory has already taken place, OccupyLA will help two brave families re-occupy their illegally foreclosed homes.
Huffington Post: Detroit
As part of a countrywide day of action planned to combat foreclosure practices and home evictions, two Metro Detroit households will open their homes to Occupy Detroiters Tuesday in an effort to halt foreclosures at the homes.
The actions in Detroit are in part spearheaded by Occupy Detroit and Occupy Our Homes, a national coalition focused on foreclosures that has developed out of the Occupy movement.
On Tuesday protesters affiliated with those two groups will try to bring attention to the plight of Debbie and Rob Henry, a married couple from the Detroit suburb of Southgate. They could be kicked out of their home of seven years by January, according to Shannon McEvilly, a Detroit area spokeswoman for Occupy Our Homes.
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