Crowds gathered and peacefully protested with no interference from 6 area "Closed" Banks.
JP Morgan Chase was locked-up and closed. They have no need to conduct business on Saturday. J.P. Morgan Chase could care less about their "city" customers' or their weekend financial needs.... moreover they cannot file any FRAUDclosure actions against homeowners on Saturdays.... so why bother to open? Photo below is courtesy of Business Journal Daily
"Occupy Youngstown"

Demonstrators cheered and waved signs as speakers denounced the surrounding banks & corporate business practices.
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - Young and old, black and white -- a diverse crowd -- many of them carrying hand-painted signs, gathered on Central Square at noon today for the Occupy Youngstown protest. ..... elected officials were there -- among them Youngstown Mayor Charles Sammarone, Municipal Clerk of Courts Sarah Brown-Clark and Councilman John Swierz.
U.S. STATE Rep. Robert Hagan, D-Youngstown, was the only elected official to speak:
"The people in these banks," Hagan thundered, gesturing toward the downtown office of First National Bank, "the people up there in the chamber of commerce," he continued, pointing to the 17th floor of the bank building, "they're the ones who started this [class] war. And guess who's going to finish it -- we are!"
"The people in these banks," Hagan thundered, gesturing toward the downtown office of First National Bank, "the people up there in the chamber of commerce," he continued, pointing to the 17th floor of the bank building, "they're the ones who started this [class] war. And guess who's going to finish it -- we are!"
As strong winds chilled the crowd....speakers stood on a temporary platform and, one by one, denounced the 1% who control 40% of the nation's wealth. The OHIO FRAUDclosure blogspot author, was a featured speaker. He gave a stirring and impassioned 15 minute speech to an engaged and chanting crowd, which included an introduction to Youngstown based attorney - Bruce Broyles. Attorney Broyles is the brave attorney who submitted a brief, on behalf of OHIO FRAUDclosure and Ohio homeowners, in the landmark Ohio Supreme Court Case US BANK v. Duvall.
10-15-11 Read more about Saturday's events - Linked here Business Journal Daily
10-16-11 Protestors: Here to Stay - Trib Today - by Christopher Bobby
Black & White photos courtesy: BBender Facebook & BBender84 Creative Photography
WYTV - News Coverage of Occupy Youngstown
Florida Democrat, Alan Grayson, tore up an ignorant panelist on the Bill Maher Show.
He managed, to articulate in only a minute, the Occupy movement and some of the biggest issues facing the middle class....bringing the studio audience to a standing ovation !!!
We support OCCUPY: Akron, Columbus, and Cincinnati, Dayton, Kent, & Toledo
Cleveland is Occupied - Great Photos & Info (HERE) and at #occupy Cleveland
Great coverage and photos--please also post your content at REALNEO or link.